Sculpsure Specialist

Coastal Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology

Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology located in La Jolla, CA

Challenging workouts and clean eating can go a long way in helping you get the body you want, but they can only go so far in the struggle against persistent fat — those stubborn bulges on your hips, belly, or thighs that don’t respond to diet and exercise. At Coastal Medical & Cosmetic Dermatology, board-certified dermatologist Dr. Darrell Gonzales offers SculpSure® body contouring treatments for people who want to get rid of persistent fat without having surgery. If you live in San Diego, La Jolla, California, and want to learn more, call the office or book your appointment online today.

Sculpsure Q & A

What is SculpSure?

SculpSure by CynoSure® is an FDA-approved body contouring treatment designed to reduce stubborn pockets of fat without surgery.

SculpSure is used to permanently reduce fat in any of the following treatment areas:

  • Abdomen and back
  • Flanks, or love handles
  • Inner and outer thighs

The advanced technology uses precision laser energy to superheat the fat cells beneath the surface of your skin, without impacting the skin tissue itself.

When it penetrates your fat cells, the heat disrupts their stability and obstructs their ability to function. Over the course of a few short weeks, your body systematically targets the damaged fat cells and flushes them from your body.

As a result, you’ll achieve a tighter, slimmer appearance without diet, exercise, or surgery.  

Is SculpSure right for me?

If you’re already at a relatively healthy body weight, but wish you could tighten up those remaining trouble spots, then you may be an ideal candidate for noninvasive SculpSure body contouring.

That’s because SculpSure is specifically designed to melt away the love handles, muffin top, lower belly fat, back fat, and excess thigh fat that are commonly resistant to diet and exercise.

If, however, you’re still pursuing your ideal body weight, you can use SculpSure to help you complete the sculpting process once you’ve reached your weight loss goals.

What is the SculpSure procedure like?

A SculpSure treatment begins with an initial consultation and evaluation, so you can discuss your aesthetic goals with Dr. Gonzales, go over your customized treatment plan, and learn what you can expect during and after the procedure.

The SculpSure system has four flat applicators that are placed against your skin. The number of applicators used during your procedure depends on the size and location of the treatment area.

As the laser’s energy enters your fat cells, you may experience a mild tingling sensation, which most patients don’t find bothersome.

A single SculpSure session takes just 25 minutes. During that time, your entire midsection can be treated with all four applicators. Most patients attain the results they’re after by targeting several areas over the course of multiple sessions.

Because SculpSure is a noninvasive fat reduction treatment, it doesn’t require any recovery time and you can resume your normal routine immediately afterwards.  

What kind of results can I expect?

When you lose weight through diet and exercise, your fat cells simply shrink. SculpSure, on the other hand, targets and destroys unwanted fat cells so they’re permanently flushed from your body.

Because SculpSure works through your body’s lymphatic system, which takes several weeks to remove the targeted cells, you can expect to start seeing significant fat loss about six weeks after your first treatment. Optimal results typically emerge within 12 weeks.

After your body has completed the flushing process, you can expect to see permanent fat loss by as much as 24% in treated areas.

*Individual results may vary